
Junkyard Training

Is Cupping Therapy for You

Is Cupping Therapy for You

Perhaps you have been curious about cupping ever since seeing Michael Phelps in Rio de Janeiro or perhaps this is your first time coming across the term at all, regardless you are probably wondering what this therapy is all about. Cupping is one of the types of therapy that we offer as a part of our recovery services, so the Junkyard Training team is ready to give you the low down on this ancient Chinese treatment.

How Does it Work?

Cupping is when a therapist takes a cotton ball and after lighting it on fire will place the ball into a glass vessel to create heat. Once they remove the fire, they quickly place the cup onto the patient’s skin. As the cup begins to cool, it will create a vacuum that draws the tissue into the jar. That process is repeated onto all areas that are being treated.

What are the Benefits?

Cupping is an effective form of therapy due to the contraction of the skin which increases blood flow. Bringing blood flow to injured areas of the body is a natural part of your body’s healing process. Cupping jumpstarts that process by forcing blood cells into those areas. Through cupping, this manually induced inflammation signals to your body that you are being injured. Thus, sending blood cells to the area to repair it. Athletes and others use this therapy to treat many pain-based issues as well as speed recovery to muscle fibers and more.

What are the Risks?

There are relatively few risks when it comes to cupping. However, if you have a condition that makes it difficult for you to form blood clots easily or you take blood thinning medicines, you may wish to skip this form of therapy. And if the thought of dawning hickey-like bruises does not sound like your thing, cupping may also not be for you.

If you are curious and want to see if cupping could be a useful part of your therapy and recovery, contact Junkyard Training. We are convinced of the benefits of this ancient tool and would love for it to be a part of your routine.


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