
Junkyard Training

How to Safely Exercise Outside

How to Safely Exercise Outside

Staying cooped up inside can be damaging to your health. You must make sure that you are keeping yourself safe but also healthy. Your mental health will keep you safe in a completely different way. Getting out and getting sun is important because of the effect that it has on your frame of mind. If you live in a place with a lot of people around then you’ll need to figure out how to exercise safely outside. You may be wanting to take every precaution that you can with this virus, but other people may feel different. There may be some people who aren’t wanting to take the same measures as you. So, what can you do?

Wearing a Mask

Of course, when you think about all the advice that medical professionals are giving, they keep saying to wear a mask. Wearing a mask doesn’t just protect you but also protects other people. A mask works the best when everyone wears one. However, you can only make that decision for you. Even so, if you are the only one wearing a mask, it still protects you in some ways. You may opt to not wear a mask if there is no one is around.

Social Distancing

When you exercise the most important thing is that you keep distance between you and others. This will help give you the most protection while you’re exercising. If you can go during hours where there aren’t a lot of people out and about, that will be the safest. It might mean that you need to get up a little earlier or go a little later than you normally would. You’ll have to figure out what schedule your neighborhood is on.


There are a couple of things that you need to keep in mind when you consider sanitizing. If you are deciding to use things in the park in order to exercise, then you’ll want to make sure that you sanitize it beforehand. Remember that if you’re spraying it down, for it to actually disinfect it you have to give it a couple of minutes to work.

We understand that your mental state can hinge on your ability to get out and workout. We encourage that you take care of yourself and stay safe while doing so. Here at Junkyard Training we are making sure that everything we do is following proper procedures. This means that after every use we disinfect the equipment. Additionally, we are making sure to wear masks to protect everyone there. Because we are a rehab and recovery center for injuries as well, we may have to be closer than 6ft apart. Keeping that in mind we have made sure to take every precaution that we can to ensure our staff if safe to keep you safe. Give us a call today if you would like more information about the measures we are taking and how we can help you!


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