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Tips for Reading Nutrition Labels

Tips for Reading Nutrition Labels

Meeting your nutritional goals is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. So, it is important that you know what is going into your body by knowing what is contained in prepared foods. That is where knowing how to read a nutritional label comes into play. Trying to read nutrition facts can be daunting and confusing. That's why we want to share some key points to keep in mind next time you are trying to decipher this label.

Know the Serving Size

Nutritional fact labels use a few different serving size measurements. Serving size, serving per container, and portion size. It is important to know the serving size for many reasons, but one is so that a label does not fool you. A front label may advertise that an item only has so many calories or has so much protein per serving, but the actual serving size they mention on the back may surprise you.

On the back label you will be able to identify the recommended serving size. The serving size will be what contains the amount of other nutritional facts listed on the label. Servings per container will also be noted. This, of course, is the total amount of servings in one package. Once you know these two serving terms, you can determine what portion size you want of that food in order to meet your goals. You may want to double up the serving size listed or decrease it.

Take Note of the Fiber

Most American diets are criminally under consuming fiber. Which is a shame because fiber is vital in keeping our bodies running smoothly. Since most people do not eat enough fiber in their diets, it is important to take special care to increase your intake. Seek out foods that offer a lot of bang for your buck in terms of fiber content. Know that anything listed as having 5 percent or less of fiber is considered low and anything listed as 20 or more is considered high fiber content.

Know How to Identify Sugars

The health and wellness industry loves to demonize certain foods, like fat, carbs, and sugar. The truth is that all foods can benefit you in moderation, including sugar. Sugar is a great source of fast energy, and it can also work to keep you happy by simply making food enjoyable. But another unfortunate truth is that too much sugar in your diet can be harmful and you may be consuming more sugar than you realize. Generally speaking, it is recommended that no more than 10 percent of your daily calories come from added sugars. Of course, with any guideline, this will differ from person to person and their unique nutritional needs.

As for nutrition labels, there are two places where sugar content will be listed, under total sugars and added sugars. Total sugars will evaluate the amount of sugar that a product will naturally contain as well as any sugar that was added during the processing of it. Added sugars merely refers to any sugars that were added during the processing of the food.​

Ultimately, knowing how to read a nutrition label is a great tool that can help you meet your dietary and training goals. At Junkyard Training, we can also help you when it comes to training and recovery. Stop by our gym today to learn more about all we have to offer!

Posted By Junkyard Training on 12-8-2021
